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Why is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box?

5 Reasons Your Cat is Urinating Outside the Box If your cat has decided to ditch their litter box, you may wonder what caused this frustrating—and smelly—behavior change. Your cat’s new bathroom habits may feel like a personal attack, but typically they are not punishing you personally, but crying for help. Our Island Animal Hospital [...]

Preventing Common Veterinary Emergencies

Preventing Common Veterinary Emergencies Numerous pets experience veterinary emergencies every year, and while not every incident can be prevented, you can take steps to decrease your pet’s risk. Our Island Animal Hospital team wants to help by offering information on avoiding some common pet emergencies. Preventing gastrointestinal upset in pets Vomiting and diarrhea are common—often [...]

How to add years to your pet’s life (Preventive Care)

5 Tips to Add Years to Your Pet’s Life We all wish our pets could live forever. At Island Animal Hospital, we, unfortunately, do not possess an eternal youth elixir for your pets, but we can help ensure they live a long, healthy, and happy life by taking a proactive approach to their health [...]

Common Pet Toxins

Pet Toxin Awareness Pet toxins are commonplace inside and outside our homes, and your pet’s curious nature may lead to an emergency veterinary visit if they encounter a toxic substance. Our Island Animal Hospital team wants to help raise awareness about toxicity in pets by providing information about the harmful substances around your home. Pet [...]

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