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7 Winter Weather Safety Tips for Pets

Winter weather extremes can be unpleasant and inconvenient, and many of us count the days until the sun shines warmly again. Cold temperatures, snow, and ice can also be downright dangerous, not only for you and your human family, but also your pets. Contrary to popular belief, most pets’ fur does not adequately protect them [...]

Fluffy and Fido’s Top New Year’s Resolutions

Did you set a New Year’s resolution for 2023? Around half of Americans participate in this tradition each year, and about half of those people feel the resolution helped them reach their goals. The new year signals a fresh start and is a great time not only to evaluate your own personal health and wellbeing, [...]

Brachycephalic Pet Health Complications

Pets, such as pugs, bulldogs, Pekingese, and Persian cats, are adorable, but breeding for certain physical characteristics has led to factors that predispose these pets to serious health complications. Our Island Animal Hospital team wants to offer information about these issues in case you own or are considering adopting a brachycephalic pet. Brachycephalic pet features [...]

Safe Holiday Gifts for Your Pet

The holiday season can present many potential dangers for your pet. When making your gift list for your pet, choose presents that can help keep them safe during the holidays. Our Island Animal Hospital team wants to help by offering recommendations for gifts.  #1: Give your pet pet-friendly holiday treats Decadent dishes are a must [...]

Pet Pathogen Most Wanted—Your Pet’s Core Vaccines

Infectious viruses and bacteria are dangerous threats to dog and cat health. Your pet needs a strong internal defense to protect themselves against contagious diseases. Routine vaccinations educate and strengthen your pet’s immune system against the most common and deadly pathogens. To help you understand the power and potential in your pet’s core (i.e., essential) [...]

Never Miss a Visit: The Importance of Regular Wellness Screening for Your Pet

At your pet’s wellness visit, you may wonder why we perform so many different tests and exams when your pet appears perfectly healthy. But, pets are excellent at hiding disease, making wellness screening tests essential for a comprehensive evaluation of your pet’s health. What does your veterinarian look for during your pet’s physical exam? When [...]

Thanksgiving with Pets—A FUR-vival Guide

We challenge you to name a holiday better suited to pets than Thanksgiving. With all those irresistibly appetizing aromas, food-covered tables and countertops, and uncharacteristically generous owners and friends—hello, extra treats!—our dogs and cats must think they’ve reached Nirvana. Unfortunately, from the human perspective, Thanksgiving with pets is often less like a Hallmark movie and [...]

A Growing Problem: Obesity in Pets

Obesity in pets is on the rise. In fact, the number of obese dogs and cats more than doubled between 2011 and 2020, equaling more than half the U.S. pet population. But the fact that obesity in pets is common does not make the problem any less serious. Pets who carry too much weight are [...]

Does My Pet Have Arthritis?

Does My Pet Have Arthritis? Arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis (OA), is a chronic, inflammatory joint condition that is common in older pets. Left untreated, arthritis pain can negatively impact your pet’s quality of life. Because arthritis is a degenerative disease, an early diagnosis and prompt treatment can slow progression and manage your pet’s pain [...]

Halloween Pet Safety

Protect Your Pet From Halloween MishapsHalloween is a fun time for children and adults, but the spooky holiday can be dangerous for your pet. Before you don your Halloween costume, take steps to protect your four-legged friend. Our Island Animal Hospital team wants to explain potential mishaps your pet may encounter on the scary night.A [...]

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